Saturday, January 14, 2012

I can't eat what now?

It seems like every post of mine starts out with an apology for taking forever.... which is also how this one is going to begin - sorry about that. Things have been crazy with the end of the semester, and traveling over break. But fear not, because I am back with a vengeance, and determined to do better at keeping my posts up to date. Whether I have something interesting to say or not, I will be posting!!

My newest adventure is actually not one that has taken me anywhere, except maybe to the grocery store, and many many MANY websites. I have heard that going on a gluten-free diet has helped a lot of people control their allergies, and mine are absolutely terrible. My mission is to go gluten-free (as much as possible anyway) and get these ridiculous allergies under control. 

When I first started researching, the first thing I saw was "wheat products, including bread and pasta" and I froze. "I can't eat WHAT?" Pasta is a major part of my diet, so as you can imagine I was devastated. However, with further research I came to realize that there are many alternatives pastas (like those made by Pasta Goddess on Nantucket), breads (try Udi's), and everything else that contains wheat. I have only been on the diet for a few days now (started on Tuesday) but it is going really well! I have actually been eating much healthier already, and with that and hitting the gym everyday I feel way more energized and happy! 

 Pasta Goddess Pasta!

Believe it or not, I used to despise vegetables. The farthest I would go was a caesar salad, and even that was pretty daring. When I found out that vegetables were one of the best things to eat on a gluten-free diet, I decided I would have to figure out what I liked, and something amazing happened.... I actually LOVE veggies! Who would have ever known?! I make stir-fry now, which is absolutely delicious, and contains pretty much any veggies I have lying around. It is so easy, fun, and tasty! 

Stir Fry with Chicken and Veggies!

So far, I am doing my best to stay on the gluten-free diet, although I have slipped several times - completely on accident! Stay tuned as I stumble around the grocery store searching for more ways to actually enjoy my gluten-free diet, and for photos of the masterpiece dinners I am sure to create! Have any of you gone gluten-free? Upload your photos and videos, or share your experience with it in the comment section below! 

Special thanks to Gluten Free Goddess for giving me a lot of the info that I needed, and some great recipes to start off!

Also, check out my newest online portfolio and let me know what you think!

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