Thursday, January 19, 2012

Spa life

For those of you that have never been to a spa before, I have just one question: what have you been doing that you have no time for a spa visit... Ever? Get to the nearest one right now, and get a massage. You will not regret it.

Spas are probably top ten greatest ideas, so whoever came up with the first one, props to you for creating the ultimate relaxation environment.

My random photo for today is the spa sign at the Biltmore hotel in Providence. My mom treated us to mani/pedis today, and a body treatment in the morning. Pure heaven. And guys - don't be afraid to let your sensitive side show and treat yourselves to a little R&R at the spa. Everyone deserves to pamper themselves once in a while.

Departure and arrival

So this is actually going to be considered yesterday's post... And I'll post another random photo later tonight.

Yesterday, my mom and I came to providence to do a little shopping and relaxing before I go back to school. And to our surprise, we are literally staying in the Tower of Terror Hotel. Incredibly creepy, but also really cool at the same time.

Anyway, we also saw The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo - absolutely incredible. Go see it. Now.

So here's the random photos of the day! The flight over from Nantucket, and the lobby of the terror hotel. Remember, these photos were taken on my phone, so the quality isn't the greatest.

Live through the lens!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Explosion of flavor? No... That is just an explosion.

So, to continue with the theme of "daily randomness" here is my photo for today.

I get home from the gym today, and my mother finishes a frantic phone call, and then informs me that "our stove just exploded". Um, what? Yes. I had heard correctly. Our stove literally imploded and burst. The knobs all came off, the center was just completely out of sorts, and the damn thing was clicking for about an hour.

Well, the guy from the gas company came to make sure everything was okay, and although there was no gas leaking, he had no clue what happened. Apparently, it is time for a new stove.

Keep up with the randomness, live through the lens, and pray your stove doesn't explode!

Daily Randomness

Hey there followers! I have decided to force myself to keep up with this, I am going to start blogging "daily randomness". Every day I am going to post a random photo from that day.

I am hoping that this will not only make my blogs more interesting, but make me think more creatively throughout my daily actions. Hopefully you'll all enjoy these little clips from my life, and perhaps inspire you to look at your day to day lives more creatively!

As for today, I have a funny photo that I found on the newly discovered "pinterest" website. Pinterest allows you to follow people, and post photos on your personal bulletin boards of things that interest you! Really awesome! Anywho, here's the photo. And if you don't think it's funny then I just really don't even know what to say...

Enjoy, and keep on living through the lens!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I can't eat what now?

It seems like every post of mine starts out with an apology for taking forever.... which is also how this one is going to begin - sorry about that. Things have been crazy with the end of the semester, and traveling over break. But fear not, because I am back with a vengeance, and determined to do better at keeping my posts up to date. Whether I have something interesting to say or not, I will be posting!!

My newest adventure is actually not one that has taken me anywhere, except maybe to the grocery store, and many many MANY websites. I have heard that going on a gluten-free diet has helped a lot of people control their allergies, and mine are absolutely terrible. My mission is to go gluten-free (as much as possible anyway) and get these ridiculous allergies under control. 

When I first started researching, the first thing I saw was "wheat products, including bread and pasta" and I froze. "I can't eat WHAT?" Pasta is a major part of my diet, so as you can imagine I was devastated. However, with further research I came to realize that there are many alternatives pastas (like those made by Pasta Goddess on Nantucket), breads (try Udi's), and everything else that contains wheat. I have only been on the diet for a few days now (started on Tuesday) but it is going really well! I have actually been eating much healthier already, and with that and hitting the gym everyday I feel way more energized and happy! 

 Pasta Goddess Pasta!

Believe it or not, I used to despise vegetables. The farthest I would go was a caesar salad, and even that was pretty daring. When I found out that vegetables were one of the best things to eat on a gluten-free diet, I decided I would have to figure out what I liked, and something amazing happened.... I actually LOVE veggies! Who would have ever known?! I make stir-fry now, which is absolutely delicious, and contains pretty much any veggies I have lying around. It is so easy, fun, and tasty! 

Stir Fry with Chicken and Veggies!

So far, I am doing my best to stay on the gluten-free diet, although I have slipped several times - completely on accident! Stay tuned as I stumble around the grocery store searching for more ways to actually enjoy my gluten-free diet, and for photos of the masterpiece dinners I am sure to create! Have any of you gone gluten-free? Upload your photos and videos, or share your experience with it in the comment section below! 

Special thanks to Gluten Free Goddess for giving me a lot of the info that I needed, and some great recipes to start off!

Also, check out my newest online portfolio and let me know what you think!